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Arkalance prepares the StoryGame™

Le StoryGame™

Le StoryGame™
Bienvenue dans l'univers fascinant de la fiction interactive. De toujours l'homme inventa et partagea des récits. Quel lecteur, spectateur, n'a pas songé remplacer une réplique par son : « je dirais ceci ! » ou « je ferais cela ! »  Le StoryGame™ s'adresse aux amateurs de fiction et d'imaginaire en renouant avec la tradition orale.
Jadis l'oralité assuraient la transmission des récits. On sait que l'Odyssée, attribuée à Homère, était un corpus d'histoires véhiculées par des conteurs, bien avant d'être écrites. On pensait que cette transmission mutait les contenus, mais des recherches récentes prouvèrent de manière troublante que certains contes, issus d'époques et de pays différents, se comparaient de près dans leurs versions écrites tardives.
Tandis que la surabondance des moyens de communication tue la communication, un jeu de narration renouant avec notre mémoire collective de l'oralité, devient un nouveau moyen de partager un récit, de manière interactive et spontanée.
On a déjà tenté d'établir un tel vecteur de fiction, notamment avec le jeu de rôle, né à la fin des années 70. Fondé par des pratiquants du wargame tactique, la narration n'était pas prévue et son aspect statistique, encyclopédique, de jeu de simulation, demeura contradictoire avec le flux narratif comme l'intensité émotionnelle. Il serait difficile d'expliquer pourquoi le jeu de rôle ne s'en est pas affranchi, malgré une riche créativité, et le « manque de temps » dû au train de vie adulte n'explique pas son repli. Combien d'heures consacrent les sportifs amateurs à leurs clubs ? Autant sinon plus qu'il n'en faut pour une partie de jeu. C'est sans doute parce qu'une certaine maturité s'accommode moins des paradoxes de la simulation que les groupes se sont dilués au fil des ans. En gommant la simulation pour fonder le jeu de narration sur le récit on s'adresse de manière satisfaisante aux amateurs de fiction comme aux anciens rôlistes, car il renoue avec ce plaisir humain ancré dans la mémoire des traditions orales : partager des histoires

Bienvenue dans l'univers fascinant de la fiction interactive.


De toujours l'homme inventa et partagea des récits. Quel lecteur, spectateur, n'a pas songé remplacer une réplique par son : « je dirais ceci ! » ou « je ferais cela ! »  Le StoryGame™ s'adresse aux amateurs de fiction et d'imaginaire en renouant avec la tradition orale.


Jadis l'oralité assuraient la transmission des récits. On sait que l'Odyssée, attribuée à Homère, était un corpus d'histoires véhiculées par des conteurs, bien avant d'être écrites. On pensait que cette transmission mutait les contenus, mais des recherches récentes prouvèrent de manière troublante que certains contes, issus d'époques et de pays différents, se comparaient de près dans leurs versions écrites tardives.


Tandis que la surabondance des moyens de communication tue la communication, un jeu de narration renouant avec notre mémoire collective de l'oralité, devient un nouveau moyen de partager un récit, de manière interactive et spontanée.


On a déjà tenté d'établir un tel vecteur de fiction, notamment avec le jeu de rôle, né à la fin des années 70. Fondé par des pratiquants du wargame tactique, la narration n'était pas prévue et son aspect statistique, encyclopédique, de jeu de simulation, demeura contradictoire avec le flux narratif comme l'intensité émotionnelle.


Il serait difficile d'expliquer pourquoi le jeu de rôle ne s'en est pas affranchi, malgré une riche créativité, et le « manque de temps » dû au train de vie adulte n'explique pas son repli. Combien d'heures consacrent les sportifs amateurs à leurs clubs ? Autant sinon plus qu'il n'en faut pour une partie de jeu. C'est sans doute parce qu'une certaine maturité s'accommode moins des paradoxes de la simulation que les groupes se sont dilués au fil des ans.


En gommant la simulation pour fonder le jeu de narration sur le récit on s'adresse de manière satisfaisante aux amateurs de fiction comme aux anciens rôlistes, car il renoue avec ce plaisir humain ancré dans la mémoire des traditions orales : partager des histoires.








The StoryGame™
Welcome all in the fascinating world of interactive fiction.
Mankind has for ever been inventing and sharing stories. What reader, spectator, has not once dreamt of replacing a line with his own: “I would say this!” Or “I would do that!” The StoryGame™ is intended for fans of fiction and imagination by reviving the oral tradition.
Historically the oral tradition has insured the transmission of tales and narratives. We know that The Odyssey, attributed to Homer, was a corpus of stories conveyed by storytellers, long before they were ever written. We believed that this transmission mutated the contents, but recent studies have shown in a disturbing way that some tales, drawn from different periods and different countries, compared closely in their later written versions.While the overabundance of means of communication kills communication, a narrative game renewing with our collective and emotional memory, of oral tradition, becomes a new way to share a story, in an interactive and spontaneous way. Establishing such a vector of fiction has already been attempted, in particular with role playing, born in the late 70s. Founded by practitioners of tactical war-game, the narration wasn’t devised and the statistical aspect, rather encyclopaedic, of the simulation game remained in contradiction with the narrative flow as with the emotional intensity. It would be difficult to explain why role playing didn’t overcome this, despite a wealth of creativity, and the “lack of time” due to the adult lifestyle doesn’t explain its decline. How many hours amateur athletes dedicate to their clubs? At least as much as what is required to play a game. It is probably because a certain maturity accepts less the paradoxes of simulation that the groups diluted over the years. By erasing the simulation to focus the narrative game on the story, both fiction fans and former role players can satisfactorily relate to the game.


The StoryGame™
Welcome all in the fascinating world of interactive fiction.
Mankind has for ever been inventing and sharing stories. What reader, spectator, has not once dreamt of replacing a line with his own: “I would say this!” Or “I would do that!” The StoryGame™ is intended for fans of fiction and imagination by reviving the oral tradition.
Historically the oral tradition has insured the transmission of tales and narratives. We know that The Odyssey, attributed to Homer, was a corpus of stories conveyed by storytellers, long before they were ever written. We believed that this transmission mutated the contents, but recent studies have shown in a disturbing way that some tales, drawn from different periods and different countries, compared closely in their later written versions.While the overabundance of means of communication kills communication, a narrative game renewing with our collective and emotional memory, of oral tradition, becomes a new way to share a story, in an interactive and spontaneous way. Establishing such a vector of fiction has already been attempted, in particular with role playing, born in the late 70s. Founded by practitioners of tactical war-game, the narration wasn’t devised and the statistical aspect, rather encyclopaedic, of the simulation game remained in contradiction with the narrative flow as with the emotional intensity. It would be difficult to explain why role playing didn’t overcome this, despite a wealth of creativity, and the “lack of time” due to the adult lifestyle doesn’t explain its decline. How many hours amateur athletes dedicate to their clubs? At least as much as what is required to play a game. It is probably because a certain maturity accepts less the paradoxes of simulation that the groups diluted over the years. By erasing the simulation to focus the narrative game on the story, both fiction fans and former role players can satisfactorily relate to the game.


The StoryGame™
Welcome all in the fascinating world of interactive fiction.
Mankind has for ever been inventing and sharing stories. What reader, spectator, has not once dreamt of replacing a line with his own: “I would say this!” Or “I would do that!” The StoryGame™ is intended for fans of fiction and imagination by reviving the oral tradition.
Historically the oral tradition has insured the transmission of tales and narratives. We know that The Odyssey, attributed to Homer, was a corpus of stories conveyed by storytellers, long before they were ever written. We believed that this transmission mutated the contents, but recent studies have shown in a disturbing way that some tales, drawn from different periods and different countries, compared closely in their later written versions.While the overabundance of means of communication kills communication, a narrative game renewing with our collective and emotional memory, of oral tradition, becomes a new way to share a story, in an interactive and spontaneous way. Establishing such a vector of fiction has already been attempted, in particular with role playing, born in the late 70s. Founded by practitioners of tactical war-game, the narration wasn’t devised and the statistical aspect, rather encyclopedic, of the simulation game remained in contradiction with the narrative flow as with the emotional intensity. It would be difficult to explain why role playing didn’t overcome this, despite a wealth of creativity, and the “lack of time” due to the adult lifestyle doesn’t explain its decline. How many hours amateur athletes dedicate to their clubs? At least as much as what is required to play a game. It is probably because a certain maturity accepts less the paradoxes of simulation that the groups diluted over the years. By erasing the simulation to focus the narrative game on the story, both fiction fans and former role players can satisfactorily relate to the game.

Information, Q&A :

Narration - Jeu - Fiction

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